System with the fix of Bug 1073579 still reports the warning message 'The NVRAM battery current is below normal (-50 mA)'
Applies to
- FAS9000
- AFF-A700
- NVRAM10 FPGA 1.2.0 and above
- The system is running a fixed version for Bug 1073579, but still seeing the same symptoms.
- FPGA version can be found in the "
sysconfig -a
" command via console, or examining " SYSCONFIG-A " in ASUP:
slot 6: NVRAM (NVRAM 10)
Revision: B0
Serial Number: 031945002448
DIMM Size: 16384 MB
Memory Size: 32768 MB
Battery Status: Battery sufficiently charged
Running Firmware: 1.2.0
- The 'current is below normal (-50 mA)' warning message is followed by a 'current is normal' message within a minute in the EMS logs:
node-04 ERROR nvram.battery.current.low.warn: The NVRAM battery current is below normal (-50 mA). To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 24 hours.
node-04 INFORMATIONAL nvram.battery.current.normal: The NVRAM battery current is normal.
node-04 ALERT callhome.battery.warning: Call home for BATTERY (current low) WARNING.
- The Service Processor (SP) system event log displays the following information:
Record 790: Tue Mar 24 12:19:56.369380 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 7b02 | 02 | EVT: 0150ffff | Bat_Curr | Assertion Event, "Lower Non-critical going low " | Reading: -0.050 | Threshold: -0.050
Record 791: Tue Mar 24 12:19:58.174179 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 7c02 | 02 | EVT: 0301ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Asserted"
Record 792: Tue Mar 24 12:20:27.937336 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 7d02 | 02 | EVT: 6f02ffff | PCM_Status | Assertion Event, "Fault"
Record 793: Tue Mar 24 12:20:32.217038 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 7e02 | 02 | EVT: 6f02ffff | Bat_Status | Assertion Event, "Fault"
Record 794: Tue Mar 24 12:20:32.465387 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 7f02 | 02 | EVT: 815000ff | Bat_Curr | Deassertion Event, "Lower Non-critical going low " | Reading: 0.000 | Threshold: -0.050
Record 795: Tue Mar 24 12:20:39.985458 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 8002 | 02 | EVT: ef02ffff | PCM_Status | Deassertion Event, "Fault"
Record 796: Tue Mar 24 12:20:44.005772 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 8102 | 02 | EVT: ef02ffff | Bat_Status | Deassertion Event, "Fault"
Record 797: Tue Mar 24 12:20:45.997384 2020 [IPMI.notice]: 8202 | 02 | EVT: 0300ffff | Attn_Sensor1 | Assertion Event, "State Deasserted"