SP automatic updates fail at 3 percent
Applies to
- FAS2554
- Service Processor (SP)
- Automatic SP updates stop at 3 percent.
cluster::*> system service-processor image update-progress show
In Percent
Node Progress Start Time Done End Time
---------------- -------- ------------------- ------- -------------------
node01 no 11/25/2022 13:10:51 3 11/25/2022 13:11:01
- The certificate errors appears from
2022-11-25 04:10:59.367 [fud_ontap_snd] [SP_UPDATE_NOTICE]: 7 send_file_to_rlm_retries: ORFTP error sending file /etc/RLM_FW/install/checksum.regfiles.0 to SP. Status: 7.
2022-11-25 04:11:16.708 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: Not able to send alpha user information to SP
2022-11-25 04:11:21.446 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: failed sending spcs root cert to SP
2022-11-25 04:11:23.734 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: failed sending server chain to SP
2022-11-25 04:17:50.375 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: Not able to send alpha user information to SP
2022-11-25 04:17:52.595 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: failed sending spcs root cert to SP
2022-11-25 04:17:54.816 [sp_config_0] [sp_configd:error]: failed sending server chain to SP
- Performing manual update of SP, but the update still does not proceed.
cluster::*> system service-processor image update -node node01 -package SP_FW_308-04056_2.12.zip -update-type full
Note: Firmware update will need to reboot the SP on completion. If your console
connection is through the SP, it will be disconnected
Do you want to proceed with the firmware update ? {y|n}: y
SP firmware update has been successfully scheduled.
cluster::*> system service-processor image update-progress show
In Percent
Node Progress Start Time Done End Time
---------------- -------- ------------------- ------- -------------------
node01 no 11/25/2022 13:10:51 3 11/25/2022 13:11:01
- Rebooting SP from ONTAP, but cannot update to SP.
::*> system service-processor reboot-sp -node node01