SAS cards failures occur with "CPR unavailable because of hung CPU" error message
Applies to
- FAS-2620
- FAS-2650
- FAS-8200
- FAS-9000
- AFF-A200
- AFF-A300
- AFF-A700
- The following is an example of a CPU timeout error message:
"cpr unavailable because of hung cpus: bfff/ffff in process idle"
- A link down error between the motherboard and the SAS card might also, display:-
"GFERR<0x00001000>(P3A), GFFERR<0x00001000>(P3A); RPT(0,3,0): GLB<0x00000001>(FERR), PTR<0x0>; Br[8748](9,0,0): RcvErr(P8(20)); Br[8748](10,8,0): Status(SigSysErr), DevStatus(Corr,Fatal), CorrErr(Rcvr), UCorrErr(LnkDn), FirstUCorrErr(LnkDn), LinkStatus(LkSp(1),LkWd(0))"