Management gateway server attempts to restart
Applies to
mgwd restarts due to panic:
[?] Mon Jun 07 04:17:22 +0900 [Node1: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:info]: Job "Vscan On-Demand Job" [id 137789] (Vscan On-Demand Scan Job) completed unsuccessfully: On-Demand job failed because no scanner connection was found. (1).
[?] Mon Jun 07 04:17:22 +0900 [Node1: mgwd: ucore.panicString:error]: 'mgwd: Received SIGSEGV (Signal 11) at RIP 0x809cb3af0 accessing address 0 (pid 2350, uid 0, timestamp 1623007042)'
[?] Mon Jun 07 04:17:25 +0900 [Node1: spmd: spm.mgwd.process.exit:EMERGENCY]: Management Gateway (mgwd) subsystem with ID 2350 exited as a result of signal normal exit (0). The subsystem will attempt to restart.