Unable to generate Performance Archives due to duplicate keys in table ccma_datastore
Applies to
- Performance Archive: PerfArchive
The following warning is displayed after invoking PerfArchives:
Warning: Unable to list entries on node node_name. Loop detected in next() for table ccma_datastore. Next on "node_name vldb opm" return "node_name cmd"
Node::*> autosupport invoke-performance-archive -node * -start-date "5/18/2020 06:10:00" -duration 4h -uri "file:///mroot/etc/log/autosupport/perfarchive.7z"
The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "Node-N1" (sequence number: 502).
The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "Node-N2" (sequence number: 531).
The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "Node-N3" (sequence number: 66).
The AutoSupport was successfully invoked on node "Node-N4" (sequence number: 64).
Warning: Unable to list entries on node Node-N4. Loop detected in next() for table ccma_datastore. Next on "Node-N4 vldb opm" returned "Node-N4 cmd ".