Link down on Cluster port connected to Cisco Switch
Applies to
- Cisco cluster interconnect network switch
- Cluster Interconnect network port down
- Port flapping occurs randomly, with no specific frequency.
- Event Log Messages (EMS) for port flapping link.
Thu Jun 29 05:09:31 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.port.monitor.passed:debug]: The "link_flapping" health check for port e8a (node NODE-01) has passed.
Thu Jun 29 05:09:31 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portHealthy:debug]: The health status of port e8a (node NODE-01) has changed from degraded to healthy. This port can now be used for hosting LIFs.
Thu Jun 29 05:09:41 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is now hosted on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 05:09:48 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.ok:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 can reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Thu Jun 29 05:15:07 +0200 [NODE-01: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:debug]: Job "Network Recovery Job - 5min" [id 10] (Networking Repair) completed unsuccessfully: (1).
Thu Jun 29 06:10:21 +0200 [NODE-01: kernel: netif.linkDown:debug]: Ethernet e8a: Link down, check cable.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:21 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:debug]: A link down event was received on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:21 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.clus.linkdown:debug]: The cluster port e8a on node NODE-01 has gone down unexpectedly.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:21 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifmoved.linkdown:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is being moved to node NODE-01, port e4a.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:22 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is now hosted on node NODE-01, port e4a.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:33 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.noreach:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 cannot reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:33 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.skipped:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 was not scanned for reachability because it was administratively or operationally down at the time of the scan.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:34 +0200 [NODE-01: kernel: netif.linkUp:debug]: Ethernet e8a: Link up.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:34 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:debug]: A link up event was received on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:10:47 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is now hosted on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:11:44 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.ok:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 can reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Thu Jun 29 06:20:07 +0200 [NODE-01: mgwd: mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure:debug]: Job "Network Recovery Job - 5min" [id 10] (Networking Repair) completed unsuccessfully: (1).
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: kernel: netif.linkDown:debug]: Ethernet e8a: Link down, check cable.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:debug]: A link down event was received on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.clus.linkdown:debug]: The cluster port e8a on node NODE-01 has gone down unexpectedly.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifmoved.linkdown:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is being moved to node NODE-01, port e4a.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is now hosted on node NODE-01, port e4a.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.noreach:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 cannot reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Thu Jun 29 06:22:56 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.skipped:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 was not scanned for reachability because it was administratively or operationally down at the time of the scan.
Thu Jun 29 06:23:10 +0200 [NODE-01: kernel: netif.linkUp:debug]: Ethernet e8a: Link up.
Thu Jun 29 06:23:10 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:debug]: A link up event was received on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:23:23 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:debug]: LIF NODE-01_clus2 (on virtual server 4294967293), IP address, is now hosted on node NODE-01, port e8a.
Thu Jun 29 06:24:22 +0200 [NODE-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.ok:debug]: Network port e8a on node NODE-01 can reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
- Port operationally down in the switch logs
- No hardware changes or maintenance done