FlexArray Data aggregate offline during takeover
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- 96
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- Category:
- v-series-flexarray
- Specialty:
- san
- Last Updated:
- 7/22/2024, 4:52:37 AM
Applies to
- E-Series
During maintenance takeover a RAID 0 Flexarray aggregate made up of LUN's hosted an E-Series array failed
Event Log example:
First Node
[Node_1: sanown_io: diskown.changingOwner:info]: Changing ownership of disk switch_1:1-24.126L92 (S/N 123) from node "Node_1" (ID 1, DR home ID) to node "Node_2" (ID, DR home ID).
[Node_1: hamsg: disk.partner.diskFail:debug]: The partner with sysid xyz has failed switch_1:1-24.126L92.
Second Node
[Node_2: config_thread: raid.assim.disk.brokenPreAssim:error]: Broken Disk switch_2:1-24.126L92 Shelf - Bay - [NETAPP INF-01-00 0872] S/N [123] UID [] detected prior to assimilation.