Error when backing up from snapshot. CommVault failed to mount a snapshot to ESXi
Applies to
- CommVault
- Error when backing up from snapshot. CommVault failed to mount a snap of source volume.
Error Code: [32:392] Description: The client machine initiator address is not visible on the file server. Please check the SAN or iSCSI connectivity between the file server and the client. : [Initiators on host:[esx] Are not logged into file server:[SVM]. Please check the SAN or iSCSI connectivity between the file server and the client.]
Failed to mount snap of source volume [vol] - id [1562] backup job [18014] mount client [bck] mount point [esx] array [SVM] snap engine [NetApp] by [Application]
igroup show
shows that at least one initiator is logged in:
Vserver Name: SVM
Igroup Name: esx
Protocol: fcp
OS Type: vmware
Portset Binding Igroup: fcp_portset
Igroup UUID: 876f2fbd-2c17-11e8-b621-00a098be96d5
ALUA: true
Initiators: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:c3:f1:3c (not logged in)
xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:c3:f1:3e (logged in)