EMS log raises "SHELF Fault" and recovers automatically in 30-40 seconds
Applies to
- FAS2720
- DS224C
As the following ESM log, the "SHELF Fault" raises and recovers as "shelf_fault_ok" automatically.
<LR d="30Jul2020 13:44:13" n="hostname" t="1596084253" id="1577180132/106420" p="1" s="Ok" o="statd" vf="" type="0" seq="135723" >
<monitor_shelf_fault_1 channel="0a"/>
<LR d="30Jul2020 13:44:13" n="hostname" t="1596084253" id="1577180132/106421" p="3" s="Ok" o="statd" vf="" type="0" seq="135724" >
<callhome_shlf_fault_1 subject="SHELF_FAULT"/>
<LR d="30Jul2020 13:44:49" n="hostname" t="1596084289" id="1577180132/106424" p="5" s="Ok" o="statd" vf="" type="0" seq="135727" >
<monitor_shelf_fault_ok_1 channel="0a"/>