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NetApp Knowledge Base

Disk does not reconstruct or evacuate when in the partial giveback state

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • All Storage Shelves


  • A disk fails (or the second disk in a 2-disk carrier (DS4486)  that has to be evacuated does not occur)
  • Even though appropriate spares are available, an alert similar to one of  following might be displayed:

[node-01: statd: monitor.shutdown.brokenDisk.pending:notice]: two data disks in RAID group "/aggregate_name/plex0/rg0" are broken. Halting system in 24 hours.

[node-01: statd: callhome.shutdown.pending:alert]: Call home for SHUTDOWN PENDING (degraded mode)

Ems Identifier



This message occurs when an automatic shutdown sequence has been postponed due to RAID reconstruction.

For DS4486

[node-01: raid_lm: raidlm.cannotMakeProgress:alert]: Disk 1d.32.10L1cannot be evacuated or copied from a multidisk carrier. The system does not contain spares that are suitable for the copy operation.


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