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NetApp Knowledge Base

DS4246 disk shelf status critical

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • DS4246
  • DS4246 shelf firmware upgrade


  • After shelf firmware upgrade the system reports multiple errors from DS4246 subsystems
> storage show fault
Enclosure Status: critical
Channel: 0a
Shelf: 3
Shelf Type: DS4246

Power Supplies:
Element Status         Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
1: CRITICAL          02,00,00,F0   OFF, RQSTED ON, FAIL
2: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,20
3: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,20
4: CRITICAL          02,00,00,F0   OFF, RQSTED ON, FAIL

Temperature Sensors:
Element Status         Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
1: OK                01,00,2B,00
2: OK                01,00,34,00
3: OK                01,00,35,00
4: OK                01,00,3B,00
5: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,00
6: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,00
7: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,00
8: NOT INSTALLED     05,00,00,00
9: UNKNOWN           06,00,35,00
10: OK                01,00,3F,00
11: OK                01,00,33,00
12: OK                01,00,34,00

Vendor Unique Element 85-IOM6: (ACP)
Element Status                      Status Bytes  Status Descriptions
1 [IOM6 A]    : CRITICAL          02,00,00,40   FAIL
2 [IOM6 B]    : CRITICAL          02,00,00,40   FAIL
EMS logs file
ses.multipath.ReqError: SAS disk shelf detected without a multipath configuration.
cluster::> storage shelf show -instance  -shelf 1.3
Shelf Name: 1.3
Stack ID: 1
Shelf ID: 3
Shelf UID: xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx
Serial Number: sn
Module Type: IOM6
Model: DS4246
Shelf Vendor: NETAPP
Disk Count: 24
Connection Type: SAS
Shelf State: Online
Status: Critical
Critical condition is detected in storage shelf power supply unit "4". The unit might fail.
  • Shelf IO (IOM) and PSUs reseat performed but the problem persists
  • Shelf IOM or PSU replacement does not recover the status of the shelf

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