DR mirroring offline after one node upgraded in a 2 node MetroCluster
Applies to
- 2 node MetroCluster
- One node of the two node MetroCluster has been upgraded
- Switchback has not been performed
- DR mirroring shows as offline
ClusterA::> metrocluster check node show -instance
Node Name: ClusterA-1
Type of Check: ha-mirroring-op-state
Cluster Name: ClusterA
Result of the Check: warning
Additional Information/Recovery Steps: Node's DR mirroring is not online. Check the FCVI connectivity to its DR partner, run the "metrocluster node show" command to verify the node and its DR partner are up and normal, then bring the DR mirroring online with the (privilege: diag) "metrocluster interconnect mirror modify -node <node> -partner-type DR -mirror-oper-status online" command.