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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cluster image validate fails from ONTAP 9.12 to ONTAP 9.13.1P11

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • AFF-A800
  • ONTAP 9


  • The following error is displayed when running cluster image show-update-progress.

::> cluster image show-update-progress

                       Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    failed 00:10:00        00:03:04


Pre-update Check     Status            Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
Cluster/management   Warning           Warning: Ensure that the cluster
switch support                   network switches, storage network
                                       switches, IOS (management network
                                 switches) software and reference
                                       configuration file (RCF) versions are
                                       compatible with the target Data ONTAP
                                       Action: Refer to
                                       downloads and the NetApp Hardware
                Universe for more details.
Manual checks        Warning           Warning: Manual validation checks
                       need to be performed. Refer to the
                                       Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What
                                      should I verify before I upgrade with
                                       or without Upgrade Advisor" section
                                       in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation
         for the remaining validation checks
                                       that need to be performed before
                        update. Failing to do so can result
                                       in an update failure or an I/O
                                       Action: Refer to the Upgrade Advisor
                                Plan or the "What should I verify
                                       before I upgrade with or without
                                       Upgrade Advisor" section in the
                                       "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the
                                       remaining validation checks that need
              to be performed before update.

                                             Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase      Status                   Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    failed                   00:10:00        00:03:04


Pre-update Check     Status      Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
NFS mounts           Warning    Warning: This cluster is serving NFS
                                       clients. If NFS soft mounts are used,
                         there is a possibility of frequent
                                       NFS timeouts and race conditions that
                                       can lead to data corruption during
                                       the upgrade.
                                       Action: Use NFS hard mounts, if
                                       possible. To list Vservers running
                                       NFS, run the following command:
 vserver nfs show

                                             Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status    Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    failed              00:10:00        00:03:04


Pre-update Check     Status            Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
ONTAP API            Warning           Warning: NetApp ONTAP API has been
deprecation check                      used on this cluster for ONTAP data
                                       storage management within the last 30
                                       days. NetApp ONTAP API is approaching
               end of availability.
                                       Action: Transition your automation
                 tools from ONTAP API to ONTAP REST
                                       API. For more details, refer to
                              CPC-00410 - End of availability:

                                     Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    failed 00:10:00        00:03:04


Pre-update Check     Status            Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
Shelves and Sensors  Error             Error: Validation check failed to
check                    execute properly.
                                       Action: Ensure CPU utilization is
                  less than 50% by running the "node
                                       run -node <nodenames> -command
                              sysstat -c 10 3" command and then try
                                       the validation again using the
                                       "cluster image validate" command. If
                                       the problem persists after retrying,
                                       contact technical support for
5 entries were displayed.

  • There is no issue with the CPU usage mentioned in the comments.

::> node run -node * -command sysstat -c 10 3
2 entries were acted on.

Node: Node-A
CPU NFS CIFS HTTP Net kB/s Disk kB/s Tape kB/s Cache
in out read write read write age
1% 0 0 0 570 45 4 20 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 1207 61 8 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 100 781 1192 1143 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 71 69 8 12 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 65 46 8 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 1077 323 797 767 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 109 314 15 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 76 112 4 12 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 859 82 8 12 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 100 921 1387 1253 0 0 >60

Node: Node-B
CPU NFS CIFS HTTP Net kB/s Disk kB/s Tape kB/s Cache
in out read write read write age
1% 0 0 0 42 44 4 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 37 206 880 880 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 787 479 8 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 71 73 4 12 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 35 35 8 20 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 60 764 1259 1117 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 732 125 15 12 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 68 134 8 8 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 83 969 1349 1352 0 0 >60
1% 0 0 0 775 86 159 20 0 0 >60

  • Restarting the BMC does not change the situation.
  • Updating the BMC firmware to the latest version succeeds on node-A but stops at 5% and fails on node-B.
  • Even after renewing the certificate following the KB Active IQ Wellness Risk: ONTAP reports error when communicating with SP/BMC , the issue is not resolved.
  • From PLATFORM-SENSORS, only node-B has some sensor columns missing. 
  • In SP-LATEST-SYSLOG, "fatal: Timeout before authentication" is displayed.

Oct  3 09:43:05 localhost sshd[26498]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 35011
Oct  3 11:47:34 localhost sshd[7621]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 43056
Oct  3 13:49:33 localhost sshd[20909]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 34007
Oct  3 15:49:37 localhost sshd[1550]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 52200
Oct  3 17:51:37 localhost sshd[14772]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 24936
Oct  3 19:53:35 localhost sshd[28091]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 32522



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