Aggregate status "unknown" with Reason: ZSM - failed
Applies to
- AFF/FAS Systems
- Aggregate status showing a state of 'unknown', with the aggregate and associate volumes online and no impact reported:
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
root1a 368.4GB 17.85GB 95% online 1 NetApp1-1a raid_dp,normal
root1b 368.4GB 17.85GB 95% online 1 NetApp1-1b raid_dp,normal
root2a 368.4GB 17.85GB 95% online 1 NetApp1-2a raid_dp,normal
root2b - - - unknown - NetApp1-2b -
sas2b_1t - - - unknown - NetApp1-2b -
sas2b_2t - - - unknown - NetApp1-2b -
ssd1a_1t 13.75TB 5.64TB 59% online 7 NetApp1-1a raid_dp,normal
- 'aggregate show' command reports failed for some aggregates due to ZSM timeout:
NetApp1::> aggregate show
Info: Failed to get the information for aggregate root2b. Reason: ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation
"ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 110 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "NetApp-2a" (VSID: -1) to kernel at], took 109.999s, max 110s [].
Failed to get the information for aggregate sas2b_1t. Reason: ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation
"ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 110 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "NetApp-2a" (VSID: -1) to kernel at], took 109.997s, max 110s [].
Failed to get the information for aggregate sas2b_2t. Reason: ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation
"ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 110 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "NetApp-2a" (VSID: -1) to kernel at], took 109.998s, max 110s [].
- Issue resolved without intervention after attempting to rerun 'aggregate show'