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NetApp Knowledge Base

Added FAS500F to existing cluster having HA Interconnect issues

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS500F
  • Cisco N9K


  • Attempting to add 2 new FAS500f nodes to an existing cluster.
  • Nodes are able to be added to the cluster successfully.
  • storage failover show output shows NVRAM log not synchronized, cannot reach partner over HA interconnect.


::> storage failover show
Node           Partner        Possible State
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
cluster1-01        cluster1-02        true     Connected to cluster1-02
cluster1-02        cluster1-01        true     Connected to cluster1-01
cluster1-03        cluster1-04        true     Connected to cluster1-04
cluster1-04        cluster1-03        true     Connected to cluster1-03
cluster1-05        cluster1-06        false    Waiting for cluster1-06,
Takeover is not
possible: Storage failover
interconnect error, NVRAM log not
synchronized, Disk inventory not exchanged
cluster1-06        cluster1-05        false    Waiting for cluster1-05, Takeover is not
possible: Storage failover
interconnect error, NVRAM log not
synchronized, Disk inventory not exchanged
6 entries were displayed.

  • RCF configuration confirmed to not be cause of issue.

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