AFF A700 shuts down to over temperature on X91148A adapter
Applies to
- FAS A900, FAS9500 with BMC firmware prior to 16.3
- FAS A700, FAS9000 with SP firmware prior to 4.12
- Non Like for Like Adapter Replacement
- An existing card such as X91143A CNA adapter is replaced with a different adapter such as X91148A Ethernet adapter
- After replacing the adapter the following is seen:
Fri Feb 04 12:42:15 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: monitor.chassisTemperature.warm:alert]: Chassis temperature is too warm: IO3 CNA SW DieTmp is critical high (3280 mV).
Fri Feb 04 12:42:15 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: monitor.chassisTemperature.warm:alert]: Chassis temperature is too warm: IO3 CNA ASIC1 DieTmp is critical high (1760 mV).
Fri Feb 04 12:42:15 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: monitor.chassisTemperature.warm:alert]: Chassis temperature is too warm: IO3 CNA ASIC2 DieTmp is critical high (960 mV).
Fri Feb 04 12:43:00 -0500 [node-01: monitor: monitor.globalStatus.critical:EMERGENCY]: Chassis temperature is too high..
Fri Feb 04 12:43:15 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: callhome.chassis.hitemp:error]: Call home for CHASSIS OVER TEMPERATURE
Fri Feb 04 12:43:18 -0500 [node-01: cf_main: cf.fsm.takeover.nfo:info]: Failover monitor: takeover attempted after "storage failover takeover" command.
Fri Feb 04 12:45:15 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: monitor.shutdown.chassisOverTemp:EMERGENCY]: Chassis temperature is too hot: Temp on I/O Slot3 is critical high. System will be shutdown in 2 minutes
Fri Feb 04 12:47:18 -0500 [node-01: env_mgr: monitor.shutdown.emergency:EMERGENCY]: Emergency shutdown: Environmental Reason Shutdown (Temperature critical)
- The x91148 high performance ethernet adapter sensors were reporting as the CNA adapter
IO3 Present discrete normal normal PRESENT
IO3 Ready discrete normal normal READY
IO3 Status unknown normal 57
IO3 CNA Volt Status discrete invalid invalid
IO3 CNA Volt Spikes counter normal 0 3
IO3 CNA Power Good discrete normal normal GOOD
IO3 CNA SW DieTmp thermal normal 3280 mV 2920 3040 3520 3680
IO3 CNA ASIC1 DieTmp thermal normal 1760 mV 1560 1640 1920 2000
IO3 CNA ASIC2 DieTmp thermal normal 1000 mV 880 920 1040 1120
IO3 CNA P1.0V voltage normal 11600 mV 10400 10800 12800 13200
IO3 CNA P0.9V-1 voltage normal 3280 mV 2880 3040 3520 3680
IO3 CNA P0.9V-2 voltage normal 5000 mV 4400 4640 5320 5600
IO3 CNA P0.9V SW voltage normal 11600 mV 10400 10800 12800 13200
IO3 CNA P5V Standby voltage normal 1800 mA 80 280 3000 3480
IO3 CNA P12V HS voltage init-failed mV 10400 10800 12800 13200
IO3 CNA Hot Swap Cur current init-failed mA 80 280 3000 3480
IO3 CNA PCISW DT Avg thermal normal 3280 C 2920 3040 3520 3680
IO3 CNA ASIC1 DT Avg thermal normal 1760 C 1560 1640 1920 2000
IO3 CNA ASIC2 DT Avg thermal normal 976 C 880 920 1040 1120