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NetApp Knowledge Base

AFF-A900 cannot see root aggr after disk reassign during headswap

Last Updated:
3/20/2025, 2:38:58 PM

Applies to

  • AFF-A900
  • ONTAP 9
  • ADPv2


  • When performing a headswap via aggregate relocation, after running the disk reassign command at maintenance mode, running aggr status -r shows the following output:
*> aggr status -r
Jan 06 20:18:23 [cluster1-1:fmmb.disk.notAccsble:notice]: All Local mailbox disks are inaccessible.
the system appears to have no disks!
Jan 06 20:18:23 [cluster1-1:raid.assim.tree.noRootVol:error]: No usable root volume was found!
unable to run aggr command
No root aggregate found.
You must specify a root aggregate with
"aggr options
root" before rebooting the system.
  • When checking the output of a disk show -v command, you can see all root partitions were correctly assigned to the new node system ID:
*> disk show -v
Local System ID: 000000003

DISK         OWNER                     POOL   SERIAL NUMBER                     HOME                     DR HOME                CHKSUM

---------    -------------             -----  -------------                     -------------            -------------          --------
e2a.00.0.0   cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXX        cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.0P1 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP001   cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.0P2 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP002   cluster1-1  (000000001)                          Block
e2a.00.0.0P3 cluster1-1  (000000003)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP003   cluster1-1  (000000003)                          Block
e2a.00.0.3   cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXX        cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.3P1 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP001   cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.3P2 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP002   cluster1-1  (000000001)                          Block
e2a.00.0.3P3 cluster1-1  (000000003)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP003   cluster1-1  (000000003)                          Block
e2a.00.0.1   cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXX        cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.1P1 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP001   cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block
e2a.00.0.1P2 cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP002   cluster1-1  (000000001)                          Block
e2a.00.0.1P3 cluster1-1  (000000003)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXNP003   cluster1-1  (000000003)                          Block
e2a.00.0.11  cluster1-2  (000000002)    Pool0  XXXXXXXXXXXXXX        cluster1-2  (000000002)                          Block


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