Unable to create root volume in External Encryption Environment
Applies to
- Ontap 9.7
- External KMIP Configuration
- NetApp Aggregate Encryption (NAE)
- Command line error:
Error: command failed: [Job 61] Job failed:
Failed to create the volume on node "node-01". Reason: Internal error. Cannot create the volume encryption
Vserver Cleanup completed
- Event log show displays:
INFORMATIONAL mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.failure: Job "Vserver Create " [id 60] (Create Vserver test2) completed
Failed to create the volume on node "node-01". Reason: Internal error. Cannot create the volume encryption
Vserver Cleanup completed (1).
DEBUG wafl.config.req.error: Config request 'VV_CONFIG_REQ_OFFLINE' by WAFL for volume is not being processed because of the error: '287 - CR_VOLUME_NOT_FOUND'.
- EMS Log shows:
Fri Sep 25 13:09:16 +0000 [node-01: vv_config_worker08: wafl.config.req.error:debug]: Config request 'VV_CONFIG_REQ_CREATE' by WAFL for volume test2_root is not being processed because of the error: '871 - CR_VV_CANT_CREATE_KEYS_FILE'.