Unable to change the port speed to 16G to connect to DWDM
Applies to
- Brocade switch
- Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
- Forward Error Correction (FEC)
- Intwerswitch Link (ISL)
- Unable to change an ISL port from 8G to 16G.
shoows error when this change is made:
2024/04/02-13:17:57:684033 (CEST), [C5-5212], 211929/0, CHASSIS | PORT 0/42, WARNING, BrocadeG620, UPSM [OID 0x43028013] (042): IN Sync is not achieved with FEC, OID:0x43028013, SPOID:0x4306812a, proto_upsm.c, line: 8234, comp:emd, ltime:2024/04/02-13:17:57:683006