SEC-3077 TLS handshake failures and FCPH-1014 FC Protocol Errors reported on Brocade Switch
Applies to
Brocade Switch
switchshow output
switchName: switch
Index Slot Port Address Media Speed State Proto
330 9 42 66c2c0 id N8 Online FC F-Port 1 N Port + 1 NPIV public
362 11 42 66e2c0 id N8 Online FC F-Port 1 N Port + 1 NPIV public
2023/10/29-11:25:46:923700 (IST), [SEC-3077], 4845977/4376799, SLOT 2 | FID 128, INFO, Switch, Event: TLS SESSION, TLS handshake failed, Info: certificate verify failed. Host=Unknown., wrapper.c, line: 440, comp:cald, ltime:2023/10/29-11:25:46:923569
2023/10/29-11:25:47:446390 (IST), [FCPH-1014], 4845978/4376800, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch, FC Protocol Error: INVALID SEQ ID - fc(0) port=362 iu=0x74e53000 nfr=1 tp=0x20 fctl=0x290000 seqid=0 seqc=0 xid=0x40e oxrxid=0x1004ffff sid=0x66e2xx did=0xffffxx, OID:0x41000000, SPOID:0x41000000, input.c, line: 2471, comp:SWITCH_0, ltime:2023/10/29-11:25:47:446193
2023/10/29-11:25:50:145503 (IST), [FCPH-1014], 4845983/4376805, SLOT 2 | FID 128, WARNING, Switch, FC Protocol Error: INVALID SEQ ID - fc(0) port=330 iu=0x674f9e40 nfr=1 tp=0x20 fctl=0x290000 seqid=0 seqc=0 xid=0x1a5d oxrxid=0x1004ffff sid=0x66c2xx did=0xffffxx, OID:0x41000000, SPOID:0x41000000, input.c, line: 2471, comp:SWITCH_0, ltime:2023/10/29-11:25:50:145282
2023/10/29-11:25:50:926016 (IST), [SEC-3077], 4845984/4376806, SLOT 2 | FID 128, INFO, Switch, Event: TLS SESSION, TLS handshake failed, Info: certificate verify failed. Host=Unknown., wrapper.c, line: 440, comp:cald, ltime:2023/10/29-11:25:50:925756
2023/10/29-11:25:55:803083 (IST), [LOG-1000], 4845988/4376810, SLOT 2 | FID 128, INFO, Switch, Previous message repeated 4 time(s)., wrapper.c, line: 440, comp:cald, ltime:2023/10/29-11:25:54:928603