False CSHM alert on BES-53248 due to duplicate IP address
Applies to
- BES-53248 Cluster Switch
- ONTAP reporting health alerts for switch fan/power not present or ISL down alert:
[Node02: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchPowerNotPresent_Alert[SW-03/PowerSupply-1].
[Node02: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchFanNotPresent_Alert[SW-03/Fan Module-1].
[Node02: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterIfIslDownWarn_Alert[SW-03/Slot: 0 Port: 15 25G - Level].
- From switch logs, we see the fan, psu and ISL port are in normal state.