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NetApp Knowledge Base

Cluster switch cannot be added to SNMP monitoring

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • BES-53248
  • EFOS 3.4.x.x - 3.12.x.x


  • When trying to add cluster network switch to SNMP for monitoring the command gives error:
::> system cluster-switch create -device BES-53248_CS_01 -address x.x.x.x -snmp-version SNMPv2c -community-or-username cshm1! -model OTHER -type management-network
Error: command failed: IP address "x.x.x.x" is not reachable. Verify that the address is valid, or check the network path.
  • The switch is pingable by the nodes in the cluster via Management interface:
::> ping -lif Example-Cluster-02_mgmt -vserver Example-Cluster -destination x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x is alive
  • Switch is not automatically discovered by the cluster via Cluster Switch Health Monitor

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