E-Series AutoSupport message delivery failed with null or 503 HTTP status code
Applies to
- E-Series
- SANtricity OS
- StorageGRID appliances
- AutoSupport
- E-Series AutoSupport message is not delivered
- Following critical alert is sent:
An ASUP message could not be delivered from the array management host <eos-a/eos-b> to NetApp ASUP https gateway https://support.netapp.com/put/AsupPut/.
indicates:AutoSupport message delivery failed. Server returned HTTP status code: null.
AutoSupport message delivery failed. Server returned HTTP status code: 503.
indicates that connecting tosupport.netapp.com:443
(IP fails:INFO [SMMonitorTask-4770] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:1022] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] Connecting to HTTPS server: support.netapp.com:443, IP
INFO [SMMonitorTask-4770] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:1367] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] Reading file '<ASUP_FILE>' and writing to output stream
ERROR [SMMonitorTask-4770] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:697] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] ASUP message upload failed, null status codeINFO [SMMonitorTask-3946] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:1022] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] Connecting to HTTPS server: support.netapp.com:443, IP
INFO [SMMonitorTask-3946] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:1367] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] Reading file '<ASUP_FILE>' and writing to output stream
WARN [SMMonitorTask-3946] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:1201] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] AOD HTTP response has error status: 503
ERROR [SMMonitorTask-3946] trace [ASUPHTTPClient.java:701] [requestId=0, deviceId=N/A] ASUP message upload failed, status code 503
- These errors are automatically resolved