How to restart the web services on SANtricity System Manager
Applies to
- NetApp E-Series
- NetApp SANtricity OS Controller Software
- NetApp SANtricity System Manager
- MSW service is responsible for GUI and doesn't impact data access.
- The service can be restarted by using one of the options
- In dual controller configurations, a staggered reset (reboot) each controller one at a time waits 5 minutes before the reboot of the second controller. This shouldn't impact data access provided failover is working as intended.
- Using CURL from a Linux (or now Windows 10) host, run the following API call:
- SANtricity OS 11.30.x:
curl -k -X POST -u rw:<UI_Password> https://<Controller_Management_Address>/devmgr/v2/restart
- SANtricity OS 11.40 or later:
curl -k -X POST -u admin:<UI_Password> https://<Controller_Management_Address>/devmgr/v2/restart
- FYI - As of Windows 10 build 17063 or later, CURL is now available by default in the command prompt with administrative rights.
- SANtricity OS 11.30.x:
- Using a Windows host, run the following commands from powershell 6 or above:
$Header = @{"Authorization" = "Basic "+[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("USERNAME:PASSWORD "))}
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Headers $Header -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck -Uri "https://controller_ip/devmgr/v2/restart"
- Each controller is running a web services instance. In the case of a dual controller configuration, if the intent is to restart all the web services on the storage array, the API call should be sent to each one of the controllers.
- Remember that after restarting the web services, the SANtricity System Manager web interface will take approx. 5-10 minutes to become available again.
Additional Information