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How to power DOWN and power UP an E-Series storage system

Last Updated:

Applies to

All E-Series platforms


This article describes the appropriate steps to power down (shutdown) and power up (startup) an E-Series storage array.

Examples: When moving the system to a new location, data center upgrades, hardware replacement, or upgrades.


Powering Down
  1. Stop all Host I/O to the E-Series array
  2. Perform any additional steps required on host, such as unmounting file systems
  3. Wait for 5 minutes.
  4. Ensure there are no background operations in progress and/or alerts
    • SANtricity Storage Manager: Monitor > Reports > Operations in Progress
    • SANtricity System Manager: Home tab > View Operations in Progress
  5. Turn off both power supplies on Controller shelf ONLY (usually 99)
  6. Wait for all LEDs to go off
  7. Turn off both power supplies on all Expansion shelves
  8. Wait for 5 minutes for drives to spin down and all LEDs to go off

At this point, disconnect the cables and start moving/removing hardware, or perform any FRU activities.

Powering Up
  1. Power on ONLY the Expansion shelves (both power switches at the same time)
  2. Wait for at least 10 minutes to allow drives to spin up and the shelves 7 segment display to show the tray ID (0, 1, 2, etc)
  3. Power up the Controller shelf (both power switches at the same time)
  4. Wait for 5 to 10 minutes
  5. Reconnect cables, if required
  6. Resume host activity

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