Unable to access CIFS share on StorageGRID 9
Applies to
StorageGRID 9.0.4 and earlier
- While accessing a CIFS share a message prompts that the user is incorrect
- When trying to create a User via CLI we receive a prompt that states "CIFS needs to be initialized"
#: config_cifs.rb
CIFS Config Utility
| Shares | Authentication | Config |
| add-filesystem-share | set-authentication | validate-config |
| add-audit-share | set-netbios-name | pull-config |
| enable-disable-share | join-domain | push-config |
| remove-share | add-password-server | help |
| add-user-to-share | remove-password-server | exit |
| remove-user-from-share | add-wins-server | |
| modify-group | remove-wins-server | |
Enter command: add-user-to-share