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NetApp Knowledge Base

StorageGRID appliance reports unknown temperature sensor upon installation

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp StorageGRID Appliance: SG6160 and SG5860
  • E-Series Shelf: DE460C


  • The shelf ambient temperature sensor on the backend E-Series shelf is in an unknown state immediately after the StorageGRID appliance is powered up, and the summary fault front LED will go on on the shelf front display (ODP: Operator Display Monitor).

  • The StorageGRID appliance installer page reports the storage array hardware needs attention.Installer_Page_Needs_Attention.png

  • In SANtricity System Manager, the E-Series storage array needs attention with the following recovery guru entry:

Failure Entry 1: UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_STATUS-Recovery Failure Type Code: 61
Storage array: Unnamed
Component reporting problem: Thermal sensor ambient
Location: Controller/Drive Shelf 0 Shelf 0, Sensor 1
Component requiring service: Temperature sensor

  • The shelf sensor is in unknown status in the E-Series support bundle and AutoSupport data.

Temperature sensor status: UNKNOWN
Location: Shelf 0, Sensor 1

  • In the E-Series support bundle and AutoSupport data, one or both power supplies located on the shelf have a serial number that begins with PSQ. This information is also available in SANtricity System Manager under the Hardware section.

Power supply status:  Optimal          
Location:             Top              
Part number:          114-00176+E2     
Serial number:        PSQ0B0235******  
Date of manufacture:  Not Available   

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