SnapCenter Plug-In for HANA backup failed with no valid snapshot found
Applies to
SnapCenter Plug-In for SAP HANA
When performing backups for SnapCenter Plug-In for SAP HANA they fail with the following error
Failed Error: SCC-00161: Application unquiesce for the plug-in [hana] failed with exit code [-1] and error : * 2: general error: Backup error: Snapshot operation failed for database(s) { 3: Error writing backup to 'FILE' '/usr/sap/SID/HDB00/backup/log/DB_SID/log_backup_0_0_0_0.1660539686582' }. SQLSTATE: HY000 Failed to close HANA data backup snapshot with backup ID [1660539686582]* 2: general error: Backup error: No valid snapshot has been found SQLSTATE: HY000 Failed to drop HANA snapshot.Failed or non NetApp objects:Multitenant Database Container - SAPHANASID No successfully backed up objects.