SaaS Backup - Restricted access to Teams message data
Applies to
- SaaS Sackup for Microsoft Office 365
- Exchange Web Services (EWS)
- Microsoft has announced restricted access via EWS to Teams message data as of January 31, 2023. This means SaaS Backup can no longer access Teams message data for backups beyond January 31 2023.
- This will lead to the below functionality being restricted within SaaS Backup
- Chat and Group chat conversations
- Team chat and Team channel messages
Additional Information
- End of Availability for SaaS Backup for Microsoft Office 365 (SaaS) was announced and is in maintenance mode. Effective January 31, 2023, it will no longer support backup of the above O365 features
- SaaS Backup for Microsoft Office 365 (SaaS) leverages Microsoft APIs to back up Teams chats. By default, SaaS Backup for Microsoft Office 365 (SaaS) utilized EWS APIs to protect the TeamsMessagsesData folder. Since Microsoft has deprecated the EWS API access to the TeamsMessagesData folder, SaaS Backup for Microsoft Office 365 (SaaS) will no longer support backup of the above mentioned O365 features.
Microsoft documentation links: