SCSQL verification failing after successful backup
- Views:
- 338
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- Public
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- Category:
- snapcenter
- Specialty:
- snapx
- Last Updated:
- 1/20/2022, 8:43:47 PM
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server (SCSQL)
Verification fails at the Query Host Information
part of the operation with the error seen in <installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SMCore\log\SMCore_<id>.log
INFO SMCore_7310 PID=[10856] TID=[10] Activity - Query Host Information, Starting
DEBUG SMCore_7310 PID=[10856] TID=[10] calling Snapdrive Gethostinfo
INFO SMCore_7310 PID=[10856] TID=[10] ContainsVirtualSanFileSystem:False, ContainsPhysicalSanFileSystem:True
INFO SMCore_7310 PID=[10856] TID=[10] Could not get initiator information from host, to mount physical SAN file system(s).
ERROR SMCore_7310 PID=[10856] TID=[10] Exception in method: Execute.