SCE restore failing to find source LUN's iGroup
Applies to
- SnapCenter plug-in for Exchange (SCE) 4.4
- DAG in different vCenters
- DBs on RDMs
- SCE pre-restore activities failing to locate iGroup for LUN
Pre Restore, Completed with warning : Failed to verify database and log for restore operation: Mount database failed with error 'Error. Failed to mount the Snapshot copy.Failed to mount the resource: <DB_Path> from snapshot: <snapshot_name>. The source LUN's iGroup does not exist.
- SCE server have no vCenter details logged in configuration:
<Time_stamp> DEBUG SnapManagerWeb_<JobID> PID=[9076] TID=[34] (111) Found Virtual Machine Disks (VMDKs), but failed to resolve the storage footprint since no vSphere host is configured with SnapCenter.