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NetApp Knowledge Base

Known issues that can cause installation failure of Data WareHouse; Resolution Guide

Last Updated:

Applies to

Data WareHouse (DWH) installation


This KB article contains hyperlinks to known issues that can cause installation or upgrade issues for Data Warehouse Server


Verify the Windows host meets basic minimum requirement

Make sure the Windows OS meets OCI server minimum requirements

Make sure all of the Ports outlined in the DWH Minimum requirements are available on the Windows host.

AntiVirus Exclusions
The OCI installation directory must be excluded from Antivirus software scans
Use the correct user when installing DWH
Windows user must have Administrator privileges, as outlined in the OCI WIndows installation instructions
Linux User must have SUDO privileges, as outlined in the Linux installation instructions
Local and domain policies prevent installation
OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse install fails when the local Administrator group is denied access from the network
OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse installation fails at "Starting Reporting Engine" step, with error "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package"
DWH DB2 user / service prevents DWH install
Data WareHouse Installtion issues caused by DB2 User or DB2 services Resolution Guide
Installation Drive configuration prevents installation
OnCommand Insight Data Warehouse 7.3.X install fails because 8dot3 naming convention is not enabled on the installation drive
Multiple install attempts


If installation issues are not resolved by the articles in this resolution guide, Collect Logs from the Data Warehouse and open a NetApp Technical Case for further assistance.



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