SnapManager for Oracle or SAP fail to clone database resources to another host: snapshot on volume not found
Applies to
- SnapManager for Oracle (SMO) 3.4.x
- SnapDrive for Unix (SDU) 5.3.x
- Database Cloning to alternate host
When SMO or SMSAP are used to clone a database to another host, SDU comes back with the following consecutive errors:
SD-00027: Error connecting filesystem(s) [<MOUNT_POINT>] from snapshot <SNAP_NAME>:
SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "/usr/sbin/snapdrive snap connect -fs <MOUNTPOINT> ...:
0001-089 Command error: snapshot <SNAP_NAME> doesn't exist on a storage system volume <SVM_NAME>:/vol/<VOLUME>
Despite a check on the SVM's volume, showing that exact snapshot exists.