SnapManager for Oracle or SAP backup completion time is taking too long
Applies to
- SnapManager for Oracle 3.4.x
- Snapmanager for SAP 3.4.x
SnapManager for Oracle or SAP backup completion time is taking longer than expected, where SMSAP is also creating large BR*Backup Log files.
The following error may be displayed:
N archived log files do not exist in the active file system. These archived log files will not be included in the backup.
Missing files N
Query returned M distinct files
Optionally, many lines containing an error similar to the following can exist in the logs:
Archived log file /Database Name/ARCHIVELOG/Date/Log sequence number does not exist in the active file system.
Note: N stands for number of archived log files missed from active file system and M stands for total number of archived log files found in the backup.