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Message with null appears when attempting to remove or change properties for a LDAPS server in OnCommand Workflow Automation

not set
Last Updated:

Applies to

OnCommand Workflow Automation (WFA) 5.1


A null message is displayed after adding in a LDAPS server and clicking on Save. A recent upgrade may have occurred to WFA 5.1.


Several other symptoms will also occur when the null  message appears:

  • No changes can also be made to the Bind Username, Bind Password and Base DN fields without removing the entire AD server entry (by selecting the entry and clicking on Remove).
  • When running the below keytool command against the existing ldap.truststore in Command Prompt, the resulting output states that the file is empty.
<installed_path>\Program Files\NetApp\jdk\bin\keytool.exe" -list -v -keystore "<installed_path>\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\jboss\standalone\configuration\keystore\ldap.truststore" -storepass changeit

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file exists, but is empty: <installed_path>\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\jboss\standalone\configuration\keystore\ldap.truststore
java.lang.Exception: Keystore file exists, but is empty: <installed_path>\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\jboss\standalone\configuration\keystore\ldap.truststore
        at java.base/
        at java.base/
        at java.base/


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