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7MTT v2.0: Detailed description of configuration transition/manual steps: SnapMirror, NameServices, and WAFL

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7MTT v2.0


Preparation Steps for SnapMirror
Category Feature Where Description Corrective Action and Comments
SnapMirror SnapMirror license Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system must have SnapMirror license installed. Without SnapMirror license installed on the cluster, 7-to-C SnapMirror data copy will not work which effectively means that transition will not proceed.
  • Corrective action: Install SnapMirror license on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system using the following command: license add <snapmirorr_license_code>You can get a get a free temporary SnapMirror license from NetApp.
SnapMirror Data ONTAP 7-Mode Data Copy and Multi-path IP addresses Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system

Make sure that 7-Mode Data Copy and Multi-path IP addresses provided allows SnapMirror data copy.

  • If a particular interface is specified for the option interface.blocked.snapmirror, all the IP addresses configured on such interfaces will block SnapMirror data copy.
  • If the option interface.blocked.mgmt_data_traffic is enabled, all the IP addresses configured on the e0M interface will block SnapMirror data copy.
  • Make sure that IP addresses specified for SnapMirror data copy are not configured on the interface which is specified in the option interface.blocked.snapmirror
  • If IP addresses specified for SnapMirror data copy are configured on e0M, make sure that the option interface.blocked.mgmt_data_traffic is not enabled. It is not recommended to use IP addresses configured on e0M for SnapMirror data copy as e0M is a low bandwidth interface that should be configured for management traffic only.
SnapMirror Allow SVM to have SnapMirror relationships with Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes Clustered Data ONTAP - SVM The Data ONTAP 7-Mode system must be configured to server SnapMirror data to the target SVM. And the target cluster must also be prepared for 7-to-C SnapMirror operations.

The following steps must be taken on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system:

  • Set the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirror.enable to on by using the following command: options snapmirror.enable on
  • If the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirror.access is set to none, then set the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirror.access to all by using the following command: options snapmirror.access all.

This allows any destination (any Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system or clustered Data ONTAP) to establish SnapMirror relationships with this Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system. So, be careful while setting this option to all.

  • If the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirorr.access is set to legacy and if 7-Mode option snapmirror.checkip.enable is set to off, then add the target SVM name to the /etc/snapmirror.allow file of the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system.
  • If the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirorr.access is set to legacy and if Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirror.checkip.enable is set to on, then add at least one IC LIF IP address of each node that owns the transitioning clustered Data ONTAP volume to the /etc/snapmirror.allow file of the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system.
  • If the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirorr.access is not set to legacy, then add at least one IC LIF IP address of each node that owns the transitioning clustered Data ONTAP volume to the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option snapmirror.access by using the following command: options snapmirror.access IC_LIP_IPs

The following steps must be taken on the clustered Data ONTAP storage system:

  • Clustered Data ONTAP users IC LIFs for SnapMirror data transfers and with out these IC LIFs, 7-to-C SnapMirror data copy will fail. Create one or more intercluster LIFs on each of the node that owns the transitioning clustered Data ONTAP volumes by using the following command:
  • network interface create -vserver <node_vserver> -lif <lif_name> -role intercluster -home-node <node> -home-port <node_port> -address <IP_address> -netmask <netmask>
SnapMirror SnapMirror license Clustered Data ONTAP (primary and secondary clusters) SnapMirror license is required on primary and secondary clusters to establish C-to-C SnapMirror relationships. Corrective Action: Install SnapMirror license on primary and secondary clusters using the following command: system license add -license-code <snapmirror_license_code>
SnapMirror Providing Pre-created clustered Data ONTAP volume for transition Clustered Data ONTAP
  • Make sure that the clustered Data ONTAP volumes are empty DP volumes
  • The size of the clustered Data ONTAP volume must be at least as big as that of the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes.


Automated by 7MTT v2.0
Category Feature SVM or Volume Cluster Commands Comments
SnapMirror 7-to-C Transition Peering SVM Level Configuration
  • Create Transition Peering between the target SVM and Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system by using the following CLI command: vserver peer transition create -local-vserver <target_svm> -src-filer-name <7_mode_data_copy_ip>
Transition peering is required to allow the volumes in the target SVM to have SnapMirror relationships with the volumes of the Data ONTAP7-Mode storage system.
SnapMirror 7-to-7 SnapMirror schedules are preserved Volume Level Configuration
  • Create required cron job: job schedule cron create -name <text> -month <cron month> -dayofweek <cron dayofweek> -day <cron dayofmonth> -hour <cron hour> -minute <cron minute>
  • While creating C-to-C SnapMirror: snapmirror create -source-path <source-path> -destination-path <destination-path> -schedule <text> -throttle <integer> -type DP
  • Applicable while transitioning while transitioning primary and secondary Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes (volumes in SnapMirror relationships)
  • Tool collects this information from the /etc/snapmirror.conf'file of the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system


Not Automated by 7MTT v2.0 : Manual Transition/Steps
Category Feature SVM or Volume When Cluster Commands Comments
SnapMirror Deduplication And Compression  Volume Level Configuration  After Transition

Data ONTAP 7-Mode data is not considered for deduplication or compression when trasnitioning from Data ONTAP 7-Mode 7.3.x or 8.0.x. Once volumes are transitioned form these Data ONTAP 7-Mode releases, by default, the data transitioned from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode will not be consider while deduplicating the new data written to the target volumes. This means that, even if the new data written to the target volumes matches with the existing data transitioned from Data ONTAP 7-Mode, the new data is not deduplicated with Data ONTAP 7-Mode data. However, new data written to the target volumes will be considered for further deduplication operations.

Corrective Action: To enable the data transitioned form the Data ONTAP 7-Mode to be considered while deduplicating the new data written to the clustered Data ONTAP volumes, you need to run the following command: volume efficiency start -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> -scan-old-data true. While this command is being run, cluster performance may be impacted. Hence, it is advised to run this command during the off-peak hours.

SnapMirror NDMP Volume & SVM Level Configuration After Transition

If NDMP-enabled backup application is used on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes selected for transition, backup policies are not automatically transitioned to the clustered Data ONTAP.

Apply if NDMP-enabled backup application is used. After the transition is complete, the backup administrator must manually set up backup policies on clustered Data ONTAP for the transitioned volumes. Ensure that NDMP is enabled on the cluster. The backup policy should use the intended LIF for backup and provide the volume name along with its SVM name. For more information, refer to the Clustered Data ONTAP Data Protection Tape Backup and Recovery Guide.


Prechecks Triggering Blocking Errors
Category Feature Description Corrective Actions and Comments
SnapMirorr SnapVault destination volumes Volume with qtrees in SnapVault destination relationship can not participate in 7-to-C SnapMirror relationships. Corrective Action: To transition such volumes, break the SnapVault relationships.
SnapMirorr QSM destination volumes Volumes with qtrees in QSM destination relationships can not participate in 7-to-C SnapMirror relationships. Corrective Action: To transition such volumes, break the QSM relationships.


Feature Gaps: Triggering Warnings
Category Code Feature Description Corrective Action and Comments
SnapMirror   Data ONTAP 7-Mode Volume acting as QSM source Transition of Qtree SnapMirror relationships is not supported by the 7-Mode Transition Tool.  
SnapMirror   Data ONTAP 7-Mode Volume acting as SnapValut source Transition of SnapValut relationships is not supported by the 7-Mode Transition Tool.  
SnapMirror   7-to-7 Synchronous SnapMirror Schedules Clustered Data ONTAP does not support Synchronous SnapMirror schedules. Such relationships will be configured with 5-minute C-to-C asynchronous schedules.  
SnapMirror   Unsupported 7-to-7 SnapMirror Schedule parameters

The following SnapMirror schedule parameters not supported in clustered Data ONTAP:

  • Wsize
  • Restart
  • Compression
SnapMirror   NDMP Warning If NDMP-enabled backup application is used on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes selected for transition, backup policies are not automatically transitioned to the clustered Data ONTAP. Corrective Action: After the transition is complete, the backup administrator must manually set up backup policies on clustered Data ONTAP for the transitioned volumes. Ensure that NDMP is enabled on the cluster. The backup policy should use the intended LIF for backup and provide the volume name along with its SVM name. For more information, refer to the Clustered Data ONTAP Data Protection Tape Backup and Recovery Guide.
SnapMirror   Data ONTAP 7-Mode Option: replication.throttle.enable The replication.throttle.enable option is used for setting system-level maximum transfer rates on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system. In clustered Data ONTAP, setting system-level maximum transfer rate is not supported; the maximum transfer rate must be set for each SnapMirror relationship.  
Automated by 7MTT v2.0
Category Feature SVM or Volume Cluster Commands Comments
NS DNS Configuration: </br> dns.enable </br> dns.domainname</br> DNS domains in /etc/resolv.conf</br> DNS servers in /etc/resolve.conf SVM Level Configuration If target SVM does not have DNS already configured: vserver serivces dns create -vserver <vserver_name> -domains <text>,... -name-servers <IP Address>,... -state {enabled|disabled} -timeout <integer> -attempts <integer>
If target SVM already has DNS configured: vserver services dns modify -vserver <vserver_name> -domains <text>,... -name-servers <IP Address>,... -state {enabled|disabled} -timeout <integer> -attempts <integer>
  • DNS transition is attempted only if  Data ONTAP7-Mode has one or more DNS domain names configured and dns is enabled on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system. If DNS is disabled (dns.enable is off), then DNS transition is not attemped.
  • General Restricitons

Caution: Clustered Data ONTAP supports at most 6 DNS domains. If combined number of domains between target SVM and 7-Mode is more than 6, extra domains will be ignored during the transition.

Caution: Clustered Data ONTAP supports at most 3 DNS name-servers. If combined number of name-servers between target SVM and Data ONTAP 7-Mode is more than 3, extra name-servers will be ignored during the transition.
NS NIS Configuration: </br>

nis.enable</br> nis.domainname</br> nis.servers
SVM Level Configuration vserver services nis-domain create -vserver <vserver_name> -domain <nis domain> -active {true|false} -servers <IP Address>,...
  • NIS configuration is transition by 7MTT only if NIS is enabled on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode (nis.enable is on) and NIS servers have one or more IP addresses configured (other than just '*' ) and NIS Domain name is not empty.
  • If nis.servers value is * (with no other IP addresses), then transition of NIS configuration will be ignored as NIS broadcast is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
  • If nis.servers has one or more IP addresses along with (*), then (*) will be ignored and other IP addresses will be transitioned.
  • 7-Mode LDAP Options for LDAP Schema Modify:</br>

ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid_Value</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber</br> ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword</br> ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup</br> ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount</br> ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup</br> ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount</br>

  • 7-Mode LDAP Options for LDAP Client Create: </br>

ldap.ADdomain</br> ldap.base,</br> ldap.base.netgroup</br> ldap.base.passwd</br> ldap.minimum_bind_level</br></br> ldap.port</br> ldap.servers</br> ldap.servers.preferred</br> ldap.timeout</br>

SVM Level Configuration
  • cluster::> vserver context -vserver <target_vserver_name>
  • LDAP Schema Copy & Modify
    • <target_vserver_name>::> set diag
    • <target_vserver_name>::*> vserver services ldap client schema copy -schema RFC-2307 -new-schema-name <new_schema_name>
    • <target_vserver_name>::*> vserver services ldap client schema modify -schema <new_schema_name> -gecos-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos"_Value> -gid-number-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber"_Value> -cn-group-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname"_Value> -home-directory-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory"_Value> -login-shell-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell"_Value> -member-nis-netgroup-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup"_Value> -member-uid-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid"_Value> -cn-netgroup-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname"_Value> -nis-netgroup-triple-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple"_Value> -uid-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid"_value> -uid-number-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber"_Value> -user-password-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword"_Value> -member-nis-netgroup-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup"_Value> -posix-account-object-class <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount"_Value> -posix-group-object-class <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup"_Value> -windows-account-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount"_Value>
  • LDAP Client Create
    • <target_vserver_name>::> vserver services ldap client create -client-config <LDAP_client_config_name> -schema <new_schema_name> -ad-domain <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.ADdomain"_Value> -bind-as-cifs-server true -base-dn <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.base"_Value> -group-dn <7_Mode_Option_""_Value> -netgroup-dn <7_Mode_Option_"dap.base.netgroup"_Value> -min-bind-level <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.minimum_bind_level"_Value> -bind-dn <7_Mode_Opton_""_Value> -tcp-port <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.port"_Value> -servers <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.servers"_Comma_Seperated_List> -preferred-ad-servers <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.servers.preferred"_Comma_Seperated_List> -query-timeout <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.timeout"_Value> -user-dn <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.base.passwd"_filter1_Value> -scope <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.base.passwd"_scope1_Value>
  • LDAP Config Create
    • <target_vserver_name>::> vserver services ldap create -client-config <LDAP_client_config_name> -client-enabled true
  • Use -bind-as-cifs-server true only if -ad_domain is set
  • -ad-domain <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.ADdomain"_Value> and -servers <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.servers"_Comma_Seperated_Value> are mutually exclusive.
  • Maximum value for -query-timeout <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.timeout"_Value> is 10. If the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option value is more than 10, set it to 10 for -query-timeout
NS Hosts Configuration: /etc/hosts SVM Level Configuration vserver services dns hosts create -vserver <vserver name> -address <IP Address> -hostname <text> -aliases <text>,...  
NS Nsswitch Configuration: /etc/nsswitch.conf SVM Level Configuration
  • In Data ONTAP 8.2.x
    • vserver modify -vserver <vserver name> -ns-switch {nis|file|ldap},... nm-switch {file|ldap},...
  • From Data ONTAP 8.3.x onwards
    • name-service ns-switch modify -vserver <vserver-name> -database <hosts|group|passwd|netgroup|namemap> -sources {file|nis|ldap
  • In Data ONTAP 8.2.x
    • Clustered Data ONTAP has no facility to have different name-services order for passwd, group and netgroup databases. All of them are controlled by only one switch (ns-switch).
    • 7MTT transitions nsswitch configuration only if name-services order for passwd, group and netgroup databases is same in Data ONTAP 7-Mode (in /etc/nsswitch.conf file). If the order is different, this configuration is not transition.
  • From Data ONTAP 8.3.x onwards
    • Separate service lookup order can be specified for each of the databases hosts, group, passwd, netgroup, namemap.
    • Tool collects the order of lookup for each of the group, netgroup, passwd from the /etc/nsswitch.conf and transitions the lookup order for each of them.
NS UNIX Users Configuration: /etc/passwd SVM Level Configuration
  • vserver services unix-users create -vserver <vserver name> -user <text> -id <integer> -primary-gid <integer> -full-name <text>
NS UNIX Groups Configuration: /etc/group SVM Level Configuration
  • vserver services unix-group create -vserver <vserver name> -name <text> -id <integer>
  • vserver services unix-group adduser -vserver <vserver name> -name <text> -username <text>
**Group membership transition is supported from 1.2GA
NS NetGroups Configuraiton: /etc/netgroup SVM Level Configuration
  • vserver services netgroup load -vserver <target_svm_name> -source {(http|ftp) ://(hostname|IPv4 Address|IPv6 Address)...} - URI to load from


Not Automated by 7MTT v2.0 : Manual Transition/Steps
Category Feature SVM or Volume When Cluster Commands Comments

LDAP option:


SVM Level Configuration After Apply-Configuration (Precutover)
  • LDAP Schema Modify for windows-to-unix-attribute

ldap client schema modify -schema <new_schema_name> -windows-to-unix-attribute <7_Mode_Option_"ldap.usermap.attribute.unixaccount"_Value>


NS LDAP option: ldap.password SVM Level Configuration After Apply-Configuration (Precutover)
  • Modifying LDAP bind password
    • <target_vserver_name>::> vserver services ldap client modify-bind-password -client-config <LDAP_client_config_name> -vserver <target_vserver_name>
    • Provide ldap.password value when asked for the password
NS LDAP option: ldap.usermap.base SVM Level Configuration After Apply-Configuration (Precutover)
  • LDAP Usermap DNs (specified for ldap.usermap.base option in Data ONTAP 7-Mode) can be specified as user-dn in ldap client config on clustered Data ONTAP system.
  • Add LDAP to nm-switch of the SVM by using the command : vserver modify -vserver <target_SVM> -nm-switch ldap,...
  • Configure the LDAP search DNs for the user mapping (ldap.usermap.base option) on the SVM by using the following command: vserver services ldap client modify -client-config <client_config_name> -user-dn <DNs_from_7_Mode_Option_ldap.usermap.base>
Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system has options for specifying different LDAP search DNs for user mapping and user password lookups. However, in clustered Data ONTAP, same search DNs are used for both the user mappings and user password lookups. 7MTT transitions only user password lookup DNs.
Name Services LDAP over SSL (option ldap.ssl.enable) SVM Level Configuration After Apply-Configuration (Precutover)
  • LDAP over SSL is supported in clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.1 or later. However, 7MTT does not support the transition of LDAP over SSL to clustered Data ONTAP.
  • LDAP over SSL must be manually enabled on the target SVM. For more information, see the Clustered Data ONTAP File Access Management Guide for CIFS.


Feature Gaps: Triggering Warnings
Category Code Feature Description Corrective Action and Comments
Name Services   NIS Slave (nis.slave.enable)
  1. Data ONTAP 7-Mode can act as NIS Slave (by enabling Data ONTAP 7-Mode option nis.slave.enable). However, clustered Data ONTAP does not support this option.
  2. More information can be found in KB article: What is Filer NIS slave on Data ONTAP?
Name Services   NIS broadcast (nis.servers has * )
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode supports NIS broadcast (nis.servers has *). However, clustered Data ONTAP does not support this feature.
Name Services   NIS Groups Caching (nis.group_update.enable)
  • Local caching of NIS group files is supported in Data ONTAP 7-Mode (by enabling Data ONTAP 7-Mode option nis.group_update.enable). However, this feature is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
Name Services   Data ONTAP 7-Mode Option: nis.netgroup.domain_search.enable
  • Considering the domain names in search directives from the /etc/resolv.conf file while doing netgroup entry comparison is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
Name Services   Data ONTAP 7-Mode Option: nis.netgroup.legacy_nisdomain_search.enable
  • Considering legacy SUNOS compatible nisdomainname in search directive for netgroup entry comparison is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
Name Services   Unsupported /etc/resolv.conf options
  • The following DNS options are not supported in clustered Data ONTAP: sortlist, debug, ndots, no_tld_query, no-check-names, inet6
  • These entries will be ignored during the transition
Name Services   Dynamic DNS (dns.update.enable)
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode support Dynamic DNS updates (by enabling the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option dns.update.enable). However, dynamic DNS update is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
Name Services   DNS Cache (dns.cache.enable)
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode support DNS caching (by enabling the Data ONTAP 7-Mode option dns.cache.enable). However, DNS caching is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP.
Name Services   Unsupported databases
  • The following databases are not supported in clustered Data ONTAP: aliases, ethers, bootparams, networks, protocols, publickey, rpc, services, and shadow.
  • These entries are ignored during the transition.
Name Services   Unsupported database sources
  • The following database sources are not supported in clustered Data ONTAP: compact, cache
  • These entries are ignored during the transition.
Name Services   Host database lookup order
  • Clustered Data ONTAP supports only 'file' (local SVM entries) and 'DNS' for host lookup and other database sources are not supported. Host lookup order in /etc/nsswitch.conf is ignored during the transition.
Name Services   DNS is supported only for host lookup
  • Clustered Data ONTAP supports DNS only for host lookup and cannot be used for any other database lookup. If Data ONTAP 7-Mode has any database other than hosts configured with DNS database source, DNS source will be ignored during the transition and other sources are transitioned.
Name Services   LDAP over SSL (option ldap.ssl.enable)
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode supports LDAP over SSL (by enabling option ldap.ssl.enable). However, clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.0 does not support LDAP over SSL and SASL is used whenever possible. LDAP over SSL is supported in clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.1 or later.
  • 7MTT does not support the transition of LDAP over SSL to clustered Data ONTAP and LDAP over SSL must be manually enabled on the target SVM.


Preparation Steps for SnapMirror
Category Feature Where Description Corrective Action and Comments
WAFL Snapshot count Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes must have 254 or less number of Snapshots (max per 7-Mode volume is 255 Snapshots). 7-to-C SnapMirror required to create a Snapshot on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode source volume to initiate the baseline. Corrective action: If Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes have 255 Snapshots, delete one or more Snapshots using the following command: 'snap delete <vol_name> <snapshot_name>'


Automated by 7MTT v2.0
Category Feature SVM or Volume Cluster Commands Comments
WAFL Quota configuration Volume Level Configuration
  • volume quota policy create -vserver <vserver name> -policy-name <text>
  • volume quota policy rule create -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name> -type {tree|user|group} -target <text> -qtree <qtree name> -user-mapping {on|off} -disk-limit {<size>|-} -file-limit {<integer>|-} -threshold {<size>|-} -soft-disk-limit {<size>|-} -soft-file-limit {<integer>|-}
  • volume quota resize -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name>
WAFL Snapshot schedules Volume Level Configuration
  • Create required cron jobs: job schedule cron create -name <text> -month <cron month> -dayofweek <cron dayofweek> -day <cron dayofmonth> -hour <cron hour> -minute <cron minute>
  • Create snapshot policy: volume snapshot policy create -vserver <vserver name> -policy <policy name> -schedule1 <text> -count1 <integer> -schedule2 <text> -count2 <integer> -schedule3 <text> -count3 <integer> -schedule4 <text> -count4 <integer> -schedule5 <text> -count5 <integer>
WAFL Space Guarantee settings ('none', 'file' or 'volume') Volume Level Configuration
  • For Data ONTAP 8.2.x
    • volume modify -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name> -space-guarantee | -s {none|volume|file}
  • For Data ONTAP 8.3.x
    • volume modify -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name> -space-guarantee | -s {none|volume}
  • From Data ONTAP 8.3.x onwards, space-guarantee setting 'file' is deprecated. Tool transitions 'file' as 'volume' during the transition.
WAFL minra volume option is disabled Volume Level Configuration
  • node run -node <volume_hosting_node> -command vol options <volume_name> minra off
  • Having the minra option enabled on the clustered Data ONTAP volumes has known performance issues. So, the  7-Mode Transition Tool disables this option on the target volumes during the transition.
WAFL filesys-size-fixed volume parameter is disabled Volume Level Configuration
  • volume modify -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name> -filesys-size-fixed false
WAFL nvfail volume parameter is enabled Volume Level Configuration
  • volume modify -vserver <vserver name> -volume <volume name> -nvfail on

Junction paths

Volume Level Configuration
  • volume mount -vserver <vsever-name> -volume <volume-name> -junction-path <junction_path>
  • Junction path policy can be specified at SVM level. See 'Other Features' for more details. Valid values are preserve_7mode_mount_path, target_volume_name
  • If the junction path that must be configured is already used in the clustered Data ONTAP, then 7MTT generates a new junction path (by appending _xxx) and informs customer about the new junction paths.
  • The created junction paths are used while creating CIFS shares/NFS exports.


Feature Gaps: Triggering Blocking Errors
Category Feature Description Corrective Action and Comments
WAFL vFiler unit state Transition of volumes from a vFiler unit which is in 'inconsistent' / 'DR backup' / 'Stopped' states is not supported and such transition attempts are blocked by the 7-Mode Transition Tool by providing a blocking error during the precheck. Corrective Action: Make sure that vFiler unit is in running state before proceeding with the transition. Use the following command to start a stopped vFiler unit: vfiler start <vfiler_name>
WAFL Traditional Volumes Traditional volumes are not supported in clustered Data ONTAP and such volumes cannot be transitioned using the 7-Mode Transition Tool. Corrective Action: Use other methods like host-based copy to copy the data from tradvols to FlexVol volumes in the clustered Data ONTAP volume. All the volume level configurations must be setup manually.
WAFL SnapLock volumes SnapLock volumes are not supported in clustered Data ONTAP and such volumes cannot be transitioned.  
WAFL FlexCache volumes Transition of FlexCache volumes is not supported by the  7-Mode Transition Tool. Corrective Action: After the transition is complete, manually create the required FlexCache volumes on the target SVM.
WAFL Volume with qtrees belonging to different vFiler unit If a volume has qtrees which are owned by a vFiler unit other than the volume owning vFiler unit, such volumes can not be transitioned. Corrective Action: If possible, assign the qtrees to the volume owning vFiler unit or delete them. You could consider copying (for example, by using QSM) the affected qtree's data to a new volume before with deleting them.


with Root In Otree

Neither 7-Mode transition tool nor snapmirror can be used to transition the vFiler root qtree to ONTAP 9 Consider stopping the vFiler and using qtree snapmirror to migrate the root into a separate volume in 7-mode and then restart the vFiler and use 7MTT to transition to ONTAP 9 or higher. Make sure that all the Qtrees within the volume are owned by the same vFiler.
See article: How to move a vfiler from one volume to another within the same filer?
WAFL Offline volumes An offline volume can not act as source of a 7-to-C SnapMirror relationship. Corrective Action: Online to Data ONTAP 7-Mode offline volumes by using the following command: vol online <offline_volume_name>
WAFL Restricted volumes A restricted volume can not act as source of a 7-to-C SnapMirror relationship. Corrective Action: Online the Data ONTAP 7-Mode restricted volumes by using the following command: vol online <restricted_volume_name>
WAFL Volumes with option no_i2p=on
  • i2p is by default set to 'on' on the clustered Data ONTA volumes.
  • i2p must be enabled on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode source volumes to proceed with the transition.
Corrective Action: Enable i2p on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes by using the following command: vol options <vol-name> no_i2p off
WAFL 32-bit data in Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes
  • 32-bit volumes or volumes with 32-bit Snapshots cannot be transitioned to clustered Data ONTAP 8.3.x. 32-bit volumes are not supported in Data ONTAP 8.3.x onwards.
  • SnapMirror baseline copy operation will fail if Data ONTAP 7-Mode source volumes has 32-bit data (AFS or Snapshots).
  • 32-bit Snapshots
    • Corrective Action: Delete all 32-bit Snapshot copies by using the following command: snap delete <volume_name> <32_bit_snapshot_name>
  • 32-bit volumes in Data ONTAP 8.0.x or earlier releases
    • Corrective Action: You must upgrade your Data ONTAP 7-Mode system to Data ONTAP 8.1 or later, and complete an in-place-upgrade of the aggregates to 64-bit before retrying transition. For more information, see technical report TR-3978.
  • 32-bit volumes in Data ONTAP 8.1.x or later releases
    • Corrective Action: You must upgrade the 32-bit volumes to 64-bit before transition. For more information, see technical report TR-3978.


 Feature Gaps: Triggering Warnings
Category Code Feature Description Corrective Action and Comments
WAFL   'svo_enable' option
  • SnapValidator for Oracle (svo_enable) is not available on the clustered Data ONTAP. If a volume has svo_enable set to on, the 7-Mode Transition Tool will provide a warning about the nonavailability of this feature in clustered Data ONTAP.
WAFL   FlexClone volumes
  • FlexClone hierarchy is lost during the transition and the FlexClone volumes are transitioned as FlexVol volume (as a part of 7-to-C SnapMirror copy). Storage efficiency and clone hierarchy is lost during this process.
WAFL   MetroCluster
  • MetroCluster is not supported in clustered Data ONTAP. Tool provides a warning about the same if the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system is part of MetroCluster.
WAFL   Qtrees having comma (,) in their name and those qtrees are used as quota targets
  • If any of the qtrees have comma (,) in their names and if those qtrees are used as quota target in a quota rules, such rules cannot be transitioned to the clustered Data ONTAP because of a BUG in the clustered Data ONTAP. Tool provides warning about the same if it detects such scenarios.
WAFL   Dedup and compression
  • If any of the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volumes have deduplication or compression enabled, by default, the data transitioned from Data ONTAP 7-Mode will not be considered while deduplicating the new data written to the target clustered Data ONTAP volumes. This means that, if the new data written to the target volumes matches the existing data transitioned from Data ONTAP 7-Mode, the new data is not deduplicated. However, new data written to the target volumes will be considered for deduplication operations.
  • Corrective Action: To enable the data transitioned from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode to be considered while deduplicating the new data written to the clustered Data ONTAP volumes, run the following command: volume efficiency start -vserver <svm_name> -volume <volume_name> -scan-old-data trueCluster performance might be impacted when this operation is running. Therefore, it is advised to run this command when the load on the system is less, such as during non-business hours.
WAFL   Non-unicode directories
  • Non-Unicode directories on the transitioned volume will be converted to Unicode when needed (for example, when the directory is accessed using NFSv4 or CIFS). The conversion impacts performance of clustered Data ONTAP system temporarily.
  • Corrective Action: Consider scheduling conversion of large directories to Unicode during non-business hours or a maintenance window. See the NetApp support library article on Converting existing directories to Unicode format for more information.

Additional Information


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