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7MTT v2.0: Detailed description of configuration transition/manual steps: Networking, RBAC, SNMP, and Other features

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7-Mode Transition Tool


1.1 Automated by 7MTT v2.0
Category Feature SVM or Volume Cluster Commands Comments
Networking IP address transition SVM level configuration
  • network interface create -vserver <vserver> -lif <lif-name> -role data -home-node <homenode> -home-port <homeport> -address <IP Address> -netmask <IP Address>
  • network routing-groups route create -vserver <vserver> -routing-group <text> -destination -gateway <IP Address>
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode IP addresses can be transitioned to the target SVM (optional). And these Data ONTAP 7-Mode IP addresses will be un-configured from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system and then configured on the target SVM during the cutover operation.
  • New IP addresses can also be configured on the target SVM as a part of transition (optional). These new IP addresses are configured on the target SVM during the pre-cutover operation.
  • Transition of existing Data ONTAP 7-Mode IP addresses/new LIFS to a non-default IP Space SVMs is not supported.

1.2 Feature Gaps: Triggering Blocking Errors
Category Feature Description Corrective Action and Comments
Networking Primary IP address transition
  • To transition a Data ONTAP 7-Mode primary IP address of an interface, all of its aliases must also be selected for the transition. This is because the Data ONTAP 7-Mode Transition Tool un-configures Data ONTAP 7-Mode IP addresses selected for the transition during the cutover operation and a primary IP addresses can not be un-configured unless all its alias IP addresses are un-configured first. This restriction does not apply to alias IP addresses and they can be transitioned to target SVM without selecting the primary IP addresses for the transition.
  • Corrective Action: If possible, select all the alias IP addresses also for the transition. Otherwise, manually transition the required primary IP addresses to the target SVM.
Networking Primary IP address transition
  • To transition a Data ONTAP 7-Mode primary IP address of an interface, all of its aliases must also be selected for the transition and all the alias IP addresses must also be owned by the vFiler unit that owns the primary IP address. This is because the Data ONTAP 7-Mode Transition Tool un-configures Data ONTAP 7-Mode IP addresses selected for the transition during the cutover operation and a primary IP addresses can not be un-configured unless all its alias IP addresses are un-configured first. This restriction does not apply to alias IP addresses and they can be transitioned to target SVM without selecting the primary IP addresses for the transition.
  • Corrective Action: If possible, assign all the alias IP addresses to the primary IP address owning vFiler unit. If this is not possible, manually transition the primary IP address to the target SVM after the transition.


2.1 Not Automated by 7MTT v2.0: Manual Transition/Steps
Category Feature SVM or Volume When Cluster Commands Comments
RBAC User, Groups, Roles and Capabilities SVM Level Configuration Anytime After the SVMs are Created
  • Roles: security login role create -role <role_name> -cmddirname <command_directory> -access <access_value> -query <query_text> -vserver <vsever_name>
  • Users: security login create -username <user_name> -application <application_name> -authmethod <authentication_method> -role <role_name> -comment <comment_text> -vserver <vserver_name>
  • For more information, refer to the clustered Data ONTAP System Administration Guide for Cluster Administrators guide.
  • Transition of administrative users, groups, roles and capabilities is not supported by the Data ONTAP 7-Mode Transition Tool.


3.1 Not Automated by 7MTT v2.0: Manual Transition/Steps
Category Feature SVM or Volume When Cluster Commands Comments
SNMP SNMP configuration transition SVM Level Configuration Anytime After the SVMs are Created
  • For information about how to configure SNMP, refer to the clustered Data ONTAP System Administration Guide for Cluster Administrators guide.
  • Transition of SNMP configuration is not supported by the Data ONTAP 7-Mode Transition Tool.


4. Other Features
4.1 Ignoring the Transition of Certain Data ONTAP 7-Mode Configurations
Feature Description Steps involved
Ignoring CIFS Local Users and Groups configuration transition
  • For a sub-project, to skip prechecks and transition of CIFS Local Users and Groups and configuration from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system to the SVM, a property of the sub-project needs to be set to 'true'. By default, the property will be 'false' and the CIFS Local Users and Groups configuration will be considered for transition.
  • Steps involved: After preparing a transition session, run the following commands before starting baseline transfers for the session:
    • Run the following command in the command prompt: transition property-set -s sub-project-name -p ignore-local-users-groups-transition -v true
    • To check the value of the property set, run the following command: transition property-get -s sub-project-name -p ignore-local-users-groups-transition
    • Return to the GUI and continue with the project.
Ignoring Unix users and groups configuration transition
  • For a sub-project, to skip prechecks and transition of the Unix Users and groups configuration from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system to the SVM, a property of the sub-project needs to be set to 'true'. By default, the property will be 'false' and the Unix Users and groups configuration will be considered for transition.
  • Steps involved: After preparing a transition session, run the following commands before starting baseline transfers for the session:
    • Run the following command in the command prompt: transition property-set -s sub-project-name -p ignore-unix-users-groups-transition -v true
    • To check the value of the property set, run the following command: transition property-get -s sub-project-name -p ignore-unix-users-groups-transition
    • Return to the GUI and continue with the project.
Ignoring Netgroups configuration transition
  • For a sub-project, to skip prechecks and transition of Netgroups configuration from the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system to the Vserver, a property of the sub-project needs to be set to 'true'. By default, the property will be 'false' and the Netgroups configuration will be considered for transition.
  • Steps involved: After preparing a transition session, run the following commands before starting baseline transfers for the session:
    • Run the following command in the command prompt: transition property-set -s sub-project-name -p ignore-netgroups-transition -v true
    • To check the value of the property set, run the following command: transition property-get -s sub-project-name -p ignore-netgroups-transition
    • Return to the GUI and continue with the project.


4.2 Junction path policy
Feature Description Steps involved
Junction path policy
  • Junction path policy that determines how the clustered Data ONTAP volumes are mounted during the transition. The default junction-path used is the Data ONTAP 7-Mode mount point(/vol/<7-Mode-Volume-Name>). Other options for junction-paths are to use either the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volume names(/<7-mode-volume-name>) or the clustered Data ONTAP volume names(/<target-volume-name>).
  • Steps involved: After preparing a transition project, run the following commands before 'Precutover' for the project:
    • Run the following commands in the command prompt:
    • To use the Data ONTAP 7-Mode mount paths as junction path: transition property-set -s project -name -p target-volume-mount-policy -v preserve_7mode_mount_path
    • To use the target volume name as junction path: transition property-set -s project -name -p target-volume-mount-policy -v target_volume_name
    • To use the Data ONTAP 7-Mode volume name as junction path: transition property-set -s project -name -p target-volume-mount-policy -v 7mode_volume_name


Additional Information



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