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7MTT Precheck 10112 - How qtree client access through a parent volume differs in Data ONTAP 7-Mode and clustered Data ONTAP

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Applies to

  • 7-Mode Transition Tool
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode
  • ONTAP 9


This article describes the procedure for qtree client access through a parent volume differs in Data ONTAP 7-Mode and ONTAP.

In the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system, when an NFS client accesses a qtree through the mount point of its parent volume, the qtree export rules are ignored and the export rules of its parent volume are in effect. However, in ONTAP, qtree export rules are always enforced whether NFS client mounts to the qtree directly or it accesses the qtree through the mount point of its parent volume.

Data ONTAP 7-Mode behavior:

  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode supports export paths such as /vol/vol_name/qtree_name/directory_below_qtree_level
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode supports export paths such as /vol/vol_name/directory_at_qtree_level
  • Data ONTAP 7-Mode enforces export rules at the qtree level separately from export rules at the volume level.
  • If a host mounts the volume path, then the export rules on the volume are enforced on the client.
  • If a host mounts the qtree path, then the export rules on the qtree are enforced on the client.

ONTAP behavior (clustered Data ONTAP 8.2.1+)
In ONTAP, NFS clients that have access to a qtree through the parent volume mount point will also enforce the qtree level export rule, unlike in Data ONTAP 7-Mode.

In the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system, when an NFS client accesses a qtree through the mount point of its parent volume, the qtree export rules are ignored and the export rules of its parent volume are in effect. However, in ONTAP, qtree export rules are always enforced whether the NFS client mounts to the qtree directly or it accesses the qtree through the mount point of its parent volume.

The following is an example of an export rule on the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system (

/vol/volstd10/qtree1 -sec=sys,ro=,nosuid
/vol/volstd10 -sec=sys,rw=,nosuid

On the Data ONTAP 7-Mode storage system, the NFS client only has read-only access to the qtree. However, when the client accesses the qtree through the mount point of its parent volume, the client can write to the qtree because the client has read/write access to the volume.

[root@]# mount
[root@]# cd transition_volume/qtree1
[root@]# ls transition_volume/qtree1
[root@]# mkdir new_folder
[root@]# ls

In ONTAP, the NFS client only has read-only access to the qtree qtree1 when the client accesses the qtree directly or through the mount point of the qtree's parent volume.


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