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How to perform graceful shutdown and power up of all ONTAP nodes in a cluster

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • AFF systems
  • FAS systems
  • Excludes MetroCluster configurations


Several events might require a graceful shutdown of ONTAP equipment such as:

  • Scheduled site power outage.
  • Data center-wide maintenance.
  • Physical system move.
  • Preparation for future re-purposing of equipment.
Prior to shutdown
(Best practices)
Identifying hardware components

The ONTAP system is comprised of one or more of the following components. Use the following links for helpful details and images to assist onsite personnel with locating and identifying the equipment.



This procedure will shut down all nodes within the cluster and access to data on the cluster will not be possible until the system is powered back up.

ONTAP Shutdown Process
  1. Log in to cluster via SSH. Otherwise, log in from any node in the cluster using a local console cable.
  2. Generate a case suppression AutoSupport message for the expected duration of the shutdown event along with any descriptive text:

cluster1::> system node autosupport invoke -node * -type all -message "MAINT=8h Power Maintenance"

  1. Identify the SP/BMC IP address of all nodes:

cluster1::> system service-processor show -node * -fields address

node           address
-------------- ------------

  1. Exit clustershell:

cluster1::> exit

  1. Connect to SP/BMC over SSH using the IP address of any node from Step 3. Otherwise, connect a local console cable to the node. Log in using the same cluster administrator credentials. 

If accessing via the SP/BMC prompt, switch to system console and supply the cluster administrator credentials:

login as: admin
admin@'s password: <password>
SP cluster1-01> system console
Type Ctrl-D to exit.
SP-login: admin
Password: <password>

Note: Open an SSH session window to every SP/BMC for monitoring as described in this step.

  1. Halt all nodes in the cluster:

For most cluster configurations:

cluster1::> system node halt -node * -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true -ignore-quorum-warnings true -inhibit-takeover true

For clusters with SnapMirror Synchronous operating in StrictSync mode:

cluster1::> system node halt -node * -skip-lif-migration-before-shutdown true -ignore-quorum-warnings true -inhibit-takeover true -ignore-strict-sync-warnings true

  1. Respond to the prompt for each node:

Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "cluster1-01"?
{y|n}: y

Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "cluster1-02"?
{y|n}: y

Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "cluster1-03"?
{y|n}: y

Warning: Are you sure you want to halt node "cluster1-04"?
{y|n}: y

4 entries were acted on.

  1. Wait for each node to halt completely by reaching the LOADER prompt:


  1. Connect to each node in the cluster via SP/BMC (if not already connected) or using a local console cable and confirm each node is at the LOADER prompt (as in Step 8).
Power Down Activity


Do not proceed until the full ONTAP Shutdown Process has been completed.


Power Down Locally (Preferred)

The physical activity here ensures no equipment damage occurs while the system is powered down and ensures the correct order of equipment startup is followed, so that the ONTAP system is prepared to serve data after the event is complete.

  1. Toggle each PSU rocker switch to the OFF position on each piece of equipment.

Note: Some PSUs do not have rocker switches.

  1. Remove the power cable connecting each PSU to the PDU.
  2. Visually confirm each component has successfully powered off.
  3. Ensure that all controllers, disk shelves, and switches associated with the cluster are powered down.
Power Down Remotely
  1. Connect to the SP/BMC over SSH.
  2. Confirm the node has reached the LOADER prompt by switching to system console:

login as: admin
admin@'s password: <password>
SP cluster1-01> system console
Type Ctrl-D to exit.

  1. OPTIONAL:  To prevent unintentional bootup after power on, disable AUTOBOOT:

AUTOBOOT             true

LOADER-A> setenv AUTOBOOT false

LOADER-A> saveenv

  1. Return to the SP/BMC prompt and remote power off the node.

SP/BMC> system power off

  1. Confirm the shutdown.  The warning "This will cause a dirty shutdown of your appliance." can be ignored only after a clean shutdown and the node is at the LOADER prompt, any other use can cause loss of data.

This will cause a dirty shutdown of your appliance. Continue? [y/n] y

  1. Confirm the power is shown as off:

SP/BMC> system power status

Chassis Power is off

When running the command "system power status", it may return "Host Power is off" on some models, rather than "Chassis Power is off"

  1. Repeat the previous steps for the other nodes being shut down.
Power Up Activity

When the system is ready to be powered back up following the steps in How to power up all ONTAP nodes in a cluster following a graceful shutdown


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