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NetApp Knowledge Base

Is there a performance difference between SSDs and HDDs while using NVE and NAE?

Last Updated:
9/13/2022, 5:12:53 PM

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE)
  • NetApp Aggregate Encryption (NAE)


  • SSDs are typically used because of the need for low latencies.
    • NVE and NAE extends the path length for each piece of data so that it can be noticed in certain workloads and operating conditions.
    • The number of IOPS at a given latency can be less when NVE and NAE runs on a NetApp All Flash FAS system, for example.
  • For volumes residing in HDDs, the bottleneck in that system is the disk, and there should be little to no impact with NVE and NAE.



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