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NetApp Knowledge Base

ONTAP AutoSupport (Transport SMTP) Resolution Guide

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • AutoSupport
  • Transport SMTP


Our NetApp node(s) doesn't appear to be sending any AutoSupport emails

  • Follow this guide to help you locate the proper solution to your question or issue.
Verify your current configuration

For a smoother experience, run the following command to gather your Nodes configuration

::>autosupport show -node <node name> -instance

Node: cluster-01

State: enable
SMTP Mail Hosts: mailhost
From Address:
List of To Addresses:,
List of Noteto Addresses: -
List of Partner Addresses: -
Send AutoSupport Messages to Vendor Support: enable
Protocol to Contact Support: SMTP
Support Proxy URL:

Verify Connectivity is good
cluster1::> system node autosupport check show -node node2
                            On Demand
Node             HTTP/HTTPS Server     SMTP       Configuration
---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------
node2            ok         ok         ok         ok
Connectivity fails
  • If connectivity fails, you must check connections to the Mailhost.




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