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Why does ASUP auto case creation not always occur on systems with an OEM version of SANtricity Storage Manager?

Last Updated:

Applies to

SANtricity Storage Manager


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OEM versions of SANtricity Storage Manager might use customized descriptions for MEL events. Under certain conditions, this might result in ASUP automatic case creation not occurring. It is recommended that customers managing E-Series storage systems use the latest available version of SANtricity Storage Manager available on the NetApp Support Site.

An OEM version of SANtricity Storage Manager can be identified by the 'MSW:' section of 'os-version' found in all ASUP header data. The SANtricity Storage Manager build number will have a format of 'MSW: xx.xx.xxxx.xxxx,' where a non-zero value in the 7th and 8th digit of the build (xx.xx.xxXX.xxxx) will indicate an OEM version.

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