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How to calculate max provisioned space in a SolidFire cluster

Last Updated:
1/29/2021, 7:00:31 AM

Applies to

  • NetApp HCI
  • NetApp SolidFire
  • NetApp Element software
  • NetApp H410 series
  • NetApp H610 series


The maximum provisioned space is the metadata drive capacity in a cluster. Before Netapp Element software 6, the total size of a volume was reserved as provisioned space. This type of space provisioning limited the number of new volumes, snapshots, and clones that could be created in a cluster because the metadata became fixed. The metadata was reduced from fixed space to thin-provisioned space in Netapp Element software 6, which enables the potential to provision about 16 times the amount of space because the metadata size is no longer fixed. The provisioned space now takes into account whether or not data has been written to a volume. If data has not been written to a volume, then no space is provisioned.

To calculate the provisioned space for a node, you need the usable metadata capacity per drive in bytes for your NetApp SolidFire node. The amount of used and provisioned metadata space can be viewed in the Reporting > Overview > Cluster Capacity window of the NetApp Element software web UI. 

The following table provides information to help determine the usable metadata capacity for a node:

Model Drive size (GB) Metadata drives Block drives Raw metadata capacity (GB) Raw block capacity (GB) Usable metadata capacity (GB) MaxProvisionedSpace (bytes)
SF2405 240 1 9 108 2160 108025834291 13827306789248
SF3010 300 1 10 135 3000 134994670387 17279317809536
SF4805 480 1 9 216 4320 216046791475 27653989308800
SF6010 600 1 9 270 5400 270057270067 34567330568576
SF9605/SF9010 960 1 9 432 8640 432088705843 55307354347904
SF9608 960 1 7 432 6720 432088705843 55307354347904
SF19210 1920 1 9 864 17280 864172534579 110614084426112
SF38410 3840 1 9 1728 34560 1728340192051 221227544582528
H610S-1 960 1 11 432 10560 432088705843 55307354347904
H610S-2 1920 1 11 864 21120 864172534579 110614084426112
H610S-4 3840 1 11 1728 42240 1728340192051 221227544582528




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