'bnx2x_attn_int_deassertedX - FATAL error from CFC' on SolidFire nodes
Applies to
- NetApp SolidFire storage nodes
- NetApp Element Software (11.7 and below)
- NIC driver bnx2x version 1.712.30-0
Kernel files (kern.log*
) and (sys.log
) running full with:
[bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted(X):4219(eth<X>)]CFC hw attention 0x2
[bnx2x: [bnx2x_attn_int_deasserted(X):(XXXX)(eth<X>)]FATAL error from CFC
Typically this will result in the following error in NetApp SolidFire Active IQ:
fileSystemCapacityLow - File System /var/log has <X>% free space (below 5%). Please contact support.
Additional (possible) errors if the issue is not addressed in a timely manner:
nodeOffline - The SolidFire Application cannot communicate with node ID <X>.
unresponsiveService - A master service is not responding.
memoryUsageThreshold - System memory is very low. Adding additional nodes or manually purging deleted volumes may help reduce memory usage.
authenticationServiceFault - Unable to determine status of Element Auth container on node 2. Please contact support if this problem persists.