Takeover not possible: local node missing partner disks in ONTAP Select
Applies to
ONTAP Select
- Due to network issues in VMware infrastructure impacting NICs on an ONTAP Select node
- The node reports that failover is not possible
Node: node01
Node Name as Returned by Storage Failover Component: node01
Partner Name: node02
Takeover Enabled: true
HA Mode: ha
Takeover Possible: false
Reason Takeover not Possible: Local node missing partner disks
Reason Takeover not Possible (Enum value): disk_inventory_mismatch_local
Interconnect Up: true
Interconnect Links: RDMA Interconnect is up (Link up)
Interconnect Type: MVIA-RDMA
State Description: Connected to node02, Takeover is not possible: Local node missing partner disks
Partner State: Up
- There are errors on the node in EMS log that correspond to the network outage
8/16/2023 20:37:50 node02 ERROR callhome.sfo.miscount: Call home for HA GROUP ERROR: DISK/SHELF COUNT MISMATCH
8/16/2023 20:37:50 node02 ERROR cf.disk.inventory.mismatch: Status of the disk 0f.21 (32343637:65386464:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000) has recently changed or the node (node02) is missing the disk.
8/16/2023 20:37:50 node02 ERROR cf.disk.inventory.mismatch: Status of the disk 0f.22 (33376335:37306161:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000) has recently changed or the node (node02) is missing the disk.
- Partner node owning the disks reports that they are healthy