Unable to reboot node in a MetroCluster IP (boot order)
Applies to
- MetroCluster IP
- ONTAP 9.3 and later
- Both clusters rebooted
During boot of both sites of a MetroCluster IP the following message is displayed:
Dec 06 03:52:47 [ClusterA:ha.partner.dbladeId:debug]: D-blade ID of the partner node is 707e7e25-bf8c-11e7-ae42-00a09897cb9f
MCC DR state check failed, retrying after 2 seconds...
MCC DR state check failed, retrying after 2 seconds...
Checking MCC DR state... [enter Ctrl-C(resume), S(status), L(link)]...........
The display of the "." behind the message is the indicator for this issue.