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NetApp Knowledge Base

Why does the MetroCluster Switchover command take longer in 9.5 and later on a MetroCluster IP?

Last Updated:


Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.5 and later
  • MetroCluster IP
  • Switchover


  • This is due to executing healing directly after negotiated switchover workflow.
  • In addition, the remote nodes will no longer halt and a switchback can be executed without any additional steps.
  • More information can be found in the MetroCluster management and disaster recovery guide.

Note: The time used for the switchover process itself as well as the client impact remains unchanged.

ClusterA::> metrocluster  switchover

Warning: negotiated switchover is about to start. It will stop all the data
         Vservers on cluster "ClusterB" and automatically restart them on
         cluster "ClusterA".
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

[Job 669] Job is queued: MetroCluster Negotiated Switchover Job.               
[Job 669] Preparing the cluster for the switchover operation...                
[Job 669] Synchronizing cluster configuration from the remote cluster (attempt 1 of 30).[Job 669]
Job succeeded: Switchover is successful.
MetroCluster Auto Heal Job is running. Job ID is 670
Heal aggregates phase is in progress.                                          
Preparing for the heal root aggregates phase.                                  
Heal root aggregates phase is in progress.                                    
MetroCluster auto heal completed successfully.

Additional Information



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