Unable to upgrade Cluster - unable to change oper status of LIF
Applies to
- FCP or FCoE
- Unable to upgrade Cluster
The upgrade of the Cluster was paused because of errors
- LIF <LIF name1> on port 1a of <Node 1> and <LIF name2> on port 1a of <Node 2> are in status
up/-unable to change oper status
with following message in GUI:
Image update complete
SAN or NVMe LIFs are currently down, potentially causing an outage when the cluster is upgraded. LIFs that are down: <LIF name>
Before upgrading, bring all SAN and NVMe LIFs up using the 'network interface modify { -data-protocol fcp|iscsi|fc-nvme|nvme-tcp } -status-admin up' command. Contact support for help bringing LIFs up if "status-admin" is "up" but "status-oper" is "down"
- Adapter ports 1a from both nodes are configured in initiator mode and Adapter ports 1b are configured as target