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Can ONTAP CIFS clients survive a LIF migrate?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Data ONTAP 8
  • ONTAP 9


Yes, under certain conditions, LIF migration is non-disruptive for SMB 2.0 and later. 

  • SMB 1, client sessions become disconnected during network outages.
  • SMB 2.0 and 2.1, the use of durable file handles allows the session to reconnect without any impact to the application:
    • Durable Handles(enabled by default for SMB2.x):
  • SMB 1 is unable to prevent lock state from being lost during network outages. SMB 2 addresses this need with durable handles: file handles that are preserved by the client and can be used to reestablish disconnected sessions.
  • Note: Although durable handles are nondisruptive for volume moves and LIF migrations, they are not mirrored across nodes, and a failover (or an upgrade) of a node results in the lock state being lost. SMB 3’s persistent handles improve upon SMB 2 durable handles by mirroring lock state across nodes in a cluster.
  • For more information, please read TR-4543 starting page-6


  • Durable/persistent file handles are exclusive to a single-file open.
  • Non-disruptive behavior might be affected when multiple users are accessing the same file. 

Additional Information


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