CONTAP-341013: vscan extensions exclusion list is not handled properly for file names with double extensions
Vscan extensions exclusion list is not handled properly for file names with double extensions. For file names with a double extension, exclusion list scan requests are triggered. In versions earlier than 9.14.1 everything works as expected.
- Vserver policy:
::> on-access-policy show -vserver svm1 -policy-name policy1 -instance
(vserver vscan on-access-policy show)
Vserver: svm1
Policy: policy1
Policy Status: on
Policy Config Owner: vserver
File-Access Protocol: CIFS
Filters: -
Mandatory Scan: off
Max File Size Allowed for Scanning: 100MB
File Paths Not to Scan: -
File Extensions Not to Scan: ?db, ?df, bak, trn, trc, chk, jrs, pat,
xml, log, ini, txt, pol, sqlite, msf, srs,
pst, ost, oab, acl, accdb, mdw, db, cfg,
rnd, tabs, recent
File Extensions to Scan: *
Scan Files with No Extension: true
- File scanned:
Scan Started node-01 Scan Request Received From : File to scan : \\Storage\\ontap_admin$\data\profiles\Profile1\ProfileName\AppData\Roaming\folder\